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- Workday II
Workday II
Resources: Worksheet, The Sky Live, JPL Small-Body Database Browser, SIMBAD Astronomical Database, Calculation Resources
Image Download: projectimages_fa24
You should leave class today with everything you need to complete your final project. You should complete your analysis (calculations), and you should double-check that you collected all the information and materials you need from your data product to complete your paper and your presentation (export your data product it in whatever formats are needed to incorporate it into your presentation and paper, gather all the needed information from the observations themselves (e.g. filter, exposure times, etc.)) You and your group members should get a good start on your group presentation this week, and any remaining lab time can be used to work on that presentation or your individual paper. Before you leave lab today, collecting all needed information and materials in order to create a detailed and compelling paper and presentation is your responsibility — it is not guaranteed you will be able to use the lab computers again for this purpose before your paper and presentation are due.