Resources: WorksheetVan Allen Observatory Webpage Equipment PageIntroduction to Van Allen Observatory Video

Terminology: Apparent MagnitudeLocal Sidereal TimeHour AngleMeridian

Demonstrations: Sidereal TimeEM Spectrum from EarthFilters

The Van Allen Observatory (VAO) is a 17" f/6.8 reflecting telescope, owned and operated by the University of Iowa Department of Physics and Astronomy. It is stationed on the roof of Van Allen Hall in Iowa City, and is used for undergraduate labs, public outreach, and instrumentation development. The resolution of VAO is 0.62 arc seconds per pixel but in practice, the actual resolution is dependent on how clear a night it is. For example, on a good night is about 2 arcseconds and 5 arcseconds on a poor night. The telescope has a magnitude limit of 16th or 17th magnitude stars. 

In this week’s lab, your lab group will plan an imaging observation for the Van Allen Observatory. You will first work to select a target for your observation that is viewable tonight between 8PM and 10PM and high enough in the sky at those times (at least 30 degrees altitude). Then you will choose a filter for observation and select an appropriate exposure time.

van allen observation

Learning Goals: Students will learn about observing at the University of Iowa Van Allen Observatory (VAO) telescope. Students will select objects in the night sky that can be observed with the VAO and be introduced to basic imaging considerations.