Thousands of small, colorful galaxies are seen on a black background.
The Hubble eXtreme Deep Field (XDF)
Image credit: NASA

In this part of the lab, you and your team will perform research on a topic that interests your group. Select one question from your class list below. Using the internet, research the topic and write a brief summary answering the question to the best of your ability. Be prepared to share your results with the class in a discussion. 


If you are in ASTR:1070: Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe, pick your one question from the following list:
  1. What did the Hubble Space Telescope teach us?
  2. What is the Laniakea Super Cluster?
  3. What are gravitational waves?
  4. How far away is the Solar System from the center of the Milky Way? How fast is the Sun orbiting the Milky Way?
  5. What is Proxima b, and why is it an exciting discovery?
  6. What are some of the ways we find planets outside our Solar System, orbiting other stars?
If you are in ASTR:1080: Exploration of the Solar System, pick your one question from the following list:
  1. What are the mission goals of the spacecraft Juno?
  2. What are the mission goals of the spacecraft New Horizons? 
  3. What problems exist in sending people to Mars or any space travel?
  4. Where else besides Earth is liquid water thought to exist in our Solar System?
  5. What is NASA up to (current or future missions, research, goals, etc.)?
  6. Who was James Van Allen? What aspect of Solar System Astronomy did he study?