Using the Eyepieces

Reassemble the Galileoscope. Be sure to put the end of the focusing tube interior to the first notch in the telescope tube. Otherwise, you will not be able to focus the telescope correctly. You will now compare the view using three different eyepieces.


You will need the small eyepiece and the ring cap as shown in the image below. The smaller side of the lens is inserted into the telescope.

Galilean Lens


This lens is the larger of the two eyepieces. It does not require any attachments.

Modern Lens


Now, you will assemble the Barlow lens. The Barlow lens requires the modern eyepiece, the Barlow tube, and the Galilean eyepiece without the ring cap. The small eyepiece goes into the small end of the Barlow tube, the modern eyepiece goes into the larger side, and then the whole lens goes into the telescope with the small eyepiece in first.

Galileo scope


In this section of the lab, you will be using the Galileoscope, which is a plastic replica of the telescope Galileo would have used to spot the moons of Jupiter, lunar features, and more. Listed below are the pieces you need to complete this exercise.

  1. The telescope tube that consists of the focusing tube, locking ring, dew shield, and objective lens.
  2. The modern eyepiece (larger lens)
  3. The Galilean eyepiece (smaller lens)
  4. The ring cap
  5. The Barlow tube